Friday 1 February 2019

the first reason why it was fake:
One of the astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, confirmed that the Apollo 11 missions were “fake” and that the videos of the mission are simply showing a setup that was created to simulate how the moon and space would look.

the second reason why its fake:
Eleven per cent of people polled thought the Apollo programme was a recent as the 1980s, with just 68 per cent knowing that the first moon landing took place in 1969.A total of 44 per cent considered the missions to be a waste of money.

the third reason why its fake: Conspiracy theorists have pointed to a number of flaws in the pictures and footage from the Apollo missions as proof that the moon landings were staged.Nasa's response was that the flag waved a little when deployed due to residual momentum from contact with the astronauts, not because of windy weather.

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